Alginate Sodium
Alginate, sometimes shortened to "algin", is present in the cell walls of brown seaweeds, and it is partly responsible for the flexibility of the seaweed. Consequently, brown seaweeds that grow in more turbulent conditions usually have a higher alginate content than those in calmer waters. While any brown seaweed could be used as a source of alginate, the actual chemical structure of the alginate varies from one genus to another, and similar variability is found in the properties of the alginate that is extracted from the seaweed. Since the main applications of alginate are in thickening aqueous solutions and forming gels, its quality is judged on how well it performs in these uses. A high quality alginate forms strong gels and gives thick aqueous solutions. A good raw material for alginate extraction should also give a high yield of alginate
Alginates from different species of seaweed often have variations in their chemical structure, resulting in different physical properties. For example, some may yield an alginate that gives a strong gel, another a weaker gel; one may readily give a cream/white alginate, another may give that only with difficulty and is best used for technical applications where colour does not matter. There are more reasons why alginate producers prefer to buy a mixture of species of seaweeds, this allows them to blend their products to give properties to suit particular uses. So, price permitting, normally there is a market for any brown seaweed that will yield an alginate of medium to high viscosity or high gel strength.
Carrageenan is a kind of natural polysaccharides hydrocolloid which is present in the structures of certain varieties of red seaweed. These carbohydrates have the ability to form, at very low concentrations, thick solutions or gels in aqueous media.
Konjac gum
Konjac Gum main ingredients is Konjac Glucommanan(KGM)with high purity of more than 85% on dry basis. White in color, fine in particle size, high viscosity andwith no special smell of konjac, stable when dissolved in the water.
Xanthan gum
Xanthan gum, a high-molecular hydrophilic colloid, provides excellent thickening and stabilizing in systems based on its unique pseudo-plastic rheological behavior. It is produced by fermentation of corn starch with xanthomonas campestris.
Sodium alginate
Sodium alginate, sometimes shortened to "algin", is present in the cell walls of brown seaweeds, and it is partly responsible for the flexibility of the seaweed. Consequently, brown seaweeds that grow in more turbulent conditions usually have a higher alginate content than those in calmer waters.
Agar is a phycocolloid extracted from a group of red-purple marine algae (Class Rhodophyceae) including Gelidium, Pterocladia and Gracilaria. Gelidium is the preferred source for agars. Impurities, debris, minerals and pigment are reduced to specified levels during manufacture.
Arabic gum
Gum arabic is a dried exudate obtained from the stems and branches of Acacia senegal (L.) Willdenow or Acacia seyal (fam. Leguminosae). Gum arabic consists mainly of high-molecular weight polysaccharides and their calcium, magnesium and potassium salts, which on hydrolysis yield arabinose, galactose, rhamnose and glucuronic acid.
Locust Bean GUM
It is a carob gum, obtained by purification of the ground endosperm of the seeds of the carob tree (Ceratonia Siliqua L.) It is galactomannan polysaccharide. It is partly soluble in cold water and needs heating in order to achieve it’s full viscosity. It shall be a white powder with a ‘typical’ odour and bland taste. The product does not contain any husk.
The traditional, commercial sources of pectin have been citrus peel and apple pomace. Often this is a waste material from another industry such as apple pomace from a cider producer. Citrus peel has often been the preferred material for pectin manufacture due to its high pectin content and good colour properties.
White or slightly yellowish or greyish odourless and tastelles, granular or bfibrous powder. Yields a viscous colloidal nsolution with water. Insouble in ethanol.